Elementary Class
1st – 5th Grade
Elementary class is a great place to begin to understand what church is really about. Everything from the start to the end of class is structured to mirror “big church”. Children gain an understanding of what it means to come to church, worship God, take notes and participate in the ministry of helps. All of this teaching comes in a hands-on, age appropriate way that directly impacts how your child will mature into youth and eventually adulthood.

What to Expect
Monitored Check-in and Check-out
We take your child’s safety as the highest priority therefore we require that you check your child into and out of class personally.
Special Accommodations
Any special accommodations your child may need will be met to the best of our ability. Simply let one of our teachers know when you check-in for class.
Sermons Built for Kids
We lay the foundation for your child’s growth in the Word by bringing “big church” concepts down to their level.
Games, Skits, and Fun Activities
We at OFH Kids like to have fun. Your child will participate in games and activities that both reinforce the lesson and make church fun.
Throughout class times, we often reward kids with candy and snacks for participation.
If your child has need of special accommodations or has any dietary concerns, please let us know when you check your child in. For more information call 918-279-1243 and ask for our Children’s Director Laura Exum.